mardi 24 octobre 2017

Essential Facts About Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

A lot of people are spoilt for choice when it comes to tanning options. These people are often advised to use self tan creams, pills, sprays and Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion . Others may even suggest you go old school and sun tan. However the answer will be clearly revealed in a short while if you decide to read on.

First of all it should be noted that although tanning under sunlight rays is the most effective, the price to pay is equally higher. Scientist in the sixties proved that the major skin cancer causing agent was the harmful Ultra Violet (UV) rays of the sun. This is what resulted in the search for an alternative method of acquiring a tan and brought about sunless tans and with it Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion.

The Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion capitalized on the shortcomings of the traditional method of acquiring a tan. Apart from riding the skin of the harm brought about by the UV rays it also curbed the amount of time one got a tan. Previously one had to lie in the sun for hours on end, with sunless tanning however you could get a tan in less than an hour and did not run the risk of getting sun burnt.

Also in previous times you had to wait through three seasons for the summer to come around so that you could get that all elusive tan. With the Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion however you could get your tan on any day of the year and look radiant for the 365 days. The alternative is here.

Although the other self tan products achieve the same task of getting a tan without sunlight, they are not as effective as the Dark sunless tanning lotion. However they all contain a common active ingredient, DHA also known as dihydroxyacetone. Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion is a sugar that reacts with the amino acids present in the skin craeting a bronze color which can last for days. This, it should be noted, is a harmless reaction.

Unlike the other self tan products, Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion is very easy to apply. Proper application will leave you with an even skin tone and no missed spots. Also there will be no face streaks, no color changes and also no fading. Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion will leave a perfectly natural tan on your skin.

Another advantage of the Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion is that it achieves more than what it is set out to. Yes Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion will leave enhance your skin appearance but it will also nourish and revitalize it. Your skin will also be hydrated and will be more elastic than before. Regular use of the lotion and you skin will be glowing and radiating on the daily.

Do not let your desire to have a perfectly beautiful skin be what costs you the same skin. Start using Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion today and you will be more than glad that you did. You do not need exposure to UV rays and risks of wrinkling, with Sun Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion you will always be good to go.

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