vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Find Out How To Get The Best Results With Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

When you are ready to get a perfectly even tan, you don't have to sit out beneath the sun's harmful rays. You can get amazing results by applying a good tanning lotion in stead. To keep streaks, blotches and other problems at bay, however, you must take a few vital steps.

You should start by making sure that you have selected the right tanner. A lot of the companies that make these products are willing to send samples out to their prospective customers. After getting a product that you feel comfortable using, you want to test on a very small patch of skin. This is essential for learning whether this lotion irritates your skin before you rub it everywhere.

After having performed a small test in a discreet area, you can get ready to prepare your skin. It is always a good idea to take a warm bath with soap. This helps to strip excess oils off of your skin, which can get in the way of the application process. You also want to remove any unwanted body hair and these hairs can lead to blotches and streaks.

When you are finished shaving and washing, you will need to use exfoliation tools to get rid of dry skin. Products like these will not absorb properly if you have a lot of dry skin. The best tools to use include body poufs and exfoliation brushes, both of which can be purchased in-store or online.

Air drying is far better than using a standard household towel. You do not want to get any lint on your skin as this can also have a negative impact on your results. You can alternatively use a lint-free material to wipe yourself dry.

It is often a good idea to have someone who can help you with these efforts. There are certain body areas that you may not be able to cover on your own. A family member or friend can help you apply the tanner on your back and in any other hard to reach areas.

While this product dries, you want to avoid sitting or lying down and should not put any clothes on your skin. This is why it is best to complete this process in a room that you feel comfortable walking around in while you are undressed. Having a few fans in the area can expedite this process. You can even invest in a special removal solution that will help you correct any mistakes that are made.

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