mardi 24 octobre 2017

All Sun Self Tanning Lotion Reviews

By Haywood Hunter

If you do not know which self-tanner to choose, take a look at some of Sun Self Tanning Lotion Reviews. This product is not the cheapest you'll find, but it is certainly high quality and has excellent characteristics. The formula is based on natural ingredients and sugar, and applications quick and easy, thanks to a built-in indicator.

Most people have problems with unpleasant smell of their self-tanner. This product has a gentle aroma of cherries and almonds. Although maybe you can feel a slight characteristic odor note later, it is hardly noticeable. In any case, the smell is far milder than in other similar products.

Many similar products are a bit orange, but this lotion has a little olive undertone so it looks completely realistic. It's hard to tell the difference between the results of long-term exposure to the sun on some tropical island and this color. Realistic and stable color really is amazing.

Choice of shades is satisfactory, especially the choice of very dark tones. Everyone can find something for themselves, even a very light-skinned person. Even the darkest shades look completely natural, with instant products and with those with prolonged action.

Another great thing about this product is the built-in light colors. Very intense dark color really makes flawless application possible. You can be sure that you have properly applied the color on all parts of the face and body. So there will be no streaks or spots. This temporary color will be easily washed away.

Of course, if you want to achieve flawless results, you need a good exfoliation before applying the product. All dead cells need to be removed and the skin has to be softened and clean. Rough skin on elbows and heels requires special care, and absorbs color differently, so you need to pay particular attention to those parts.

Color gradually fades, just like a natural tan. Using quality skin moisturizers will extend color stability. Regular exfoliation may shorten the durability, but the skin will be impeccable. In any case, it is sufficient to apply a new layer to maintain the desired color intensity. Depending on the intensity of the color, you will need to apply new layers one to three times a week.

Tanning services are really expensive, and there is doubt about their effect on the health of the skin. Sunbathing can be very dangerous, especially excessive exposure to sunlight. There are different self-tanning products at a better price, but lower quality. Investing in high-quality, skin-friendly product is always worth it.

Sun Self Tanning Lotion provides instant results so that your skin will immediately get a nice golden hue. Over the next three hours, the color will become more and more intense, until it reaches the desired bronze. You do not have to worry for your clothes or bedding, because it does not leave marks on fabrics.

If you still are not sure which product to choose, read some of the Sun Self Tanning Lotion Reviews. Surely you will like this product because it has truly outstanding characteristics. Natural ingredients, realistic color, pleasant aroma, ease of application and good durability are good reasons for choosing this Sunless Tanner.

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